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... for Developers and Land Owners working 
for reasonable watershed regulations.


Minnesota Association of Watershed Responsibility



We represent the landowners and developers who
are regulated by watershed districts, to advocate
for better protections from excessive, unreasonable
watershed regulations and promote landowner interest
at the legislature




Bring the issue of watershed overreach to the capitol.
Encourage the legislature to require watersheds to
do cost benefit balancing before adopting new rules, limit excessive
buffers, which waste land resources, eliminate “pre-settlement”
standards, limit private maintenance declarations, and protect the
existing water rights of permit holders and land owners.

Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy



We have had well-respected local lobbyist, Reid LeBeau, introduce the “Watershed Permit Holder’s Bill of Rights”.


We are working with chairs of committees and members to understand
the issue and the need for the bill. Meet with Legislators to increase awareness to the issue and garner support for the bill.


We are lobbying leadership in both bodies, the Governor’s office and at the agency level to promote protections for you.


Build a network of developers and landowners who can share education and best watershed district management practices (BWDMPS!)

Meet the Board

Mark Lambert


Darren Lazan


Meet the Lobbyist

Reid LeBeau



We need you!


Until now the only voice at the capitol was the watershed’s lobby. Legislators have no idea how aggressive and destructive some metropolitan watersheds have become.

We need you to join us to be a voice of reason.
Together we can make a difference!


"Founding" Membership

$3,000 / year



  • Position on the Board of Directors 

  • Ability to set agenda and policy for association 

  • Direct access to lobbyist 

  • Legislative updates

  • Access to other members to network watershed solutions 

  • A point of contact to answer questions about watershed issues 

  • Creating and supporting an association focused on curbing watershed overreach and unduly burdensome regulations 


"Just Want to Help" Membership 

​$695 / year 



  • Legislation updates 

  • Access to other members to network watershed solutions 

  • A point of contact to answer questions about watershed issues 

  • Creating and supporting an association focused on curbing watershed overreach and unduly burdensome regulations

Membership Form

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